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Playground Etiquette at Windsong Place Apartments

Playground Etiquette at Windsong Place Apartments

Having a playground in our apartment community here in Williamsville, NY means a place for families and friends to gather and socialize and for the kids to get in some exercise. Knowing how to be a good neighbor at the playground is important. So today the Windsong Place Apartments Blog is focusing on some basic playground etiquette tips.

Be Courteous When Communicating

When you are asking another parent or a child for cooperation, choose your words wisely so you don’t become part of a power match. For example, rather than informing another parent that it is time for her whiney child to stop his annoying behavior, you might gently suggest to the child an appropriate behavior. Saying something like, “My daughter would like to use the slide too, so let us know when you are about finished,” is more polite and effective than yelling, “Your kid has been using the slide long enough!”

Keep the Germs at Home

If your child is not feeling well, skip the trip to the playground. Your neighbors will thank you for not spreading germs around on the playground equipment. If you and your child are going stir crazy, perhaps a walk will do the trick without exposing others to unwanted germs.

Be Prepared

It’s a good idea to be prepared for the unexpected at the playground. Putting together a playground pack can save the day. Include tissues, wet-wipes, band-aids, sunscreen, insect repellent, and a plastic bag. Having these sorts of things can help you avoid the little emergencies that sometimes happen at the playground. Scraped knee? A quick wipe down, a bandaid, and a kiss will get a kid back to the slide in no time. And if you have sunscreen you won’t have to cut your visit short if the sun is in full force. Take water bottles too.

Enjoy the playground! Bring your children or your grandchildren and keep these tips in mind to help everyone have an enjoyable outing. What is your favorite thing to do at the playground? Please share in the comments.